I saw her today.
To be more precise, I saw her about an hour ago.
At at supermarket where I was about to buy some daily things for myself.
At the main door, before I went into it.
She smiled to me.
And I realized that was a smile which I have been longing after for so long time.
A smile that make me smile back from the bottom of my heart in the past.
And yet I was such a jerk that dont even know how to react.
I just walked by and keep on stealing the sight of her.
Am I really such a idiot ?
I just never thought that I would see her again.
In the building, I thought I was very sure of myself of what I want to buy but in the end, I left without purchasing a single thing.
My heart was jumping so fast and my mind was just a blank.
To be honest, I almost cried out, but I hold myself down and show no weakness in front of everyone.
I just found that....I really miss her a lot.
I hate myself for this but I was happy to be able to see her again.
I took a long route back home.
Everything about my life poped out in my mind.
I know, after so long time, I am just paralyzing myself in things I do everyday.
Online games, comics, Starbucks, ....
I was putting up a mask to show everyone that I was laughing outside.
In fact, tears are still flowing in the inside.
You just cant make a scar go away, dont you? Lol...
Almost every night before I close my eyes to sleep, I am thinking about, what should I do if I see her again.
Just never expect I really would see her again.
It's true, I am really really happy to see her.
If there is a chance, I really wanna see her again.
But I know not the opposite side.
At least, I know that's the thing I could do to not appear in front of her anymore.
I just cant deny that....
I still miss her ...so so much!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Pictures Of Me~
First of all, I hate taking photo unless I'm camwhoring without anyone around and it will also only last for at most from 2 to 3 photos as well.
Why? Well, it's obviously that I never look good in the any photos.
That's one of the reasons why I hardly present myself in photo-type to public and not even in my friendster.
But since you are asking of a picture of me, JLun 
Super bright face (taken in the care while I was waiting for the traffic light)

Super duper bright face - taken while I was driving (not the same day the 1st photo)
p/s : the car was still MOVING!!

Picture of me in the class - trying so hard to concentrate.
Taken to look at my own desperately trying to concentrate face.
Last picture - self-camwhoring picture. HAHAHAHA!!
Need Eye Mo??
Why? Well, it's obviously that I never look good in the any photos.
That's one of the reasons why I hardly present myself in photo-type to public and not even in my friendster.
But since you are asking of a picture of me, JLun
This blog is for you!!
But, instead of giving you just only one of my photo, I will be giving you several of them! Lol~!
I care about other people opinion more than my own, so, Lun,
Be my judge and pick the best for me ya!!
Super bright face (taken in the care while I was waiting for the traffic light)
Super duper bright face - taken while I was driving (not the same day the 1st photo)
p/s : the car was still MOVING!!
Picture of me in the class - trying so hard to concentrate.
Taken to look at my own desperately trying to concentrate face.
Need Eye Mo??
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I did it again! Lol~
I am dead, I am so dead.
I got class on this morning at 8.30am and yet I am still sitting here with my two wide opened eyes!!
*sigh* Something is very wrong with me.
Anyway, now, I am so into the two songs that my sis had just sent to me few hours ago - "We are one" and "Ready to love".
Both songs are slow and relaxing songs.
Of course liongteck love these 2 songs and even plan to burn it onto a CD someday later.
For those who want the songs, remember to ask from me on the MSN, sharing is caring and I always care. Hehe...
To be honest, I am quite down for today.
Nothing happen, it just came and attacked me suddenly. Lol~
Everyone is telling me life's wonderful.
So, I open my eyes and heart wide to see and feel how wonderful it is.
I tried to enjoy as much as I can but I just dont feel good if I burden my family just because of that reason.
It seems so meaningless.
Maybe I just feel a bit lonely here.
But I never want anyone to company me either.
I guess I am too stubborn on my own.
Better day for me when the sun rise!!
At least make me smile from the bottom of my heart for once more.
I got class on this morning at 8.30am and yet I am still sitting here with my two wide opened eyes!!
*sigh* Something is very wrong with me.
Anyway, now, I am so into the two songs that my sis had just sent to me few hours ago - "We are one" and "Ready to love".
Both songs are slow and relaxing songs.
Of course liongteck love these 2 songs and even plan to burn it onto a CD someday later.
For those who want the songs, remember to ask from me on the MSN, sharing is caring and I always care. Hehe...
To be honest, I am quite down for today.
Nothing happen, it just came and attacked me suddenly. Lol~
Everyone is telling me life's wonderful.
So, I open my eyes and heart wide to see and feel how wonderful it is.
I tried to enjoy as much as I can but I just dont feel good if I burden my family just because of that reason.
It seems so meaningless.
Maybe I just feel a bit lonely here.
But I never want anyone to company me either.
I guess I am too stubborn on my own.
Better day for me when the sun rise!!
At least make me smile from the bottom of my heart for once more.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I was tagged!
More than a week days ago, I got tagged by JLun .
Sorry Lun, I was slacking back then.
Think of doing this after few days and I've regret in doing so.
These days or weeks I won't have any internet access because I had move to a new place. Hahaha..
And now I've got to steal the line from the Starbucks to do you tag! ^.^
Forgive me since I am so sincere in doing this. Lol~
Lun, I DID IT! Wuahahaha...
But I got no one to tag.
Impossible to tag back you right ? right?
Hahaha ...
Sorry Lun, I was slacking back then.
Think of doing this after few days and I've regret in doing so.
These days or weeks I won't have any internet access because I had move to a new place. Hahaha..
And now I've got to steal the line from the Starbucks to do you tag! ^.^
Forgive me since I am so sincere in doing this. Lol~
~So, here are the tag thing~
Starting time:
• 2.55 am (see, so late at the starbuck!!)
• LiOnGtEck (with liong and teck stick together)
• Erm..UK 9
What are you wearing right now?
• t-shirt with short pants
Where do you live?
• kuching and sibu.
Favorite Number/s
• should be 365, 300 and 730.
Favorite Drinks:
• Caramel coffee blended!
Favorite Months:
• Should be erm, May, August and December
Have You Ever......
Been in a bath tub:
• Sure la
Swam in the ocean:
• Yup. For few times.
Fallen asleep in school:
• SURE!! Almost my daily job when I was form 4.
Broken someone's heart:
• I was the one got broken =.="
Fell off your chair:
• Got, but it was a long time thing already.
Saved e-mails:
• Yeah, my F8 subjects, my tutor is using e-mail for our answers.
What is......
Your room like:
• In sibu one, ALWAYS tidy (because of my mum) but at Kuching one, hmm..not most of the time tidy ! LOL!
What's right beside you?
• Stuffs, a lot a lot of stuffs =.="
What is the last thing you ate?
• The Duck Rice from DA-LIGHT!
Ever Had......
Chicken pox:
• Sure, while I was still a kid. Terrible one and I still got marks and scar on my face.
Sore throat:
• Who doesn't wei!
• Yeap, right on my head, a big one.
Broken nose:
• nope
Do You......
Believe in love at first sight?
• Guess so..but it' s still kinda "fairy tale"
Like picnics:?
• SURE!! I like outdoor activities.
Who was the last person you danced with?
• I forgot. Should be few years ago..while I was still a scout in my school.
Who last made you smile?
• The Starbucks' staff. I need to smile and say Thank You right?
Who did you last yell at?
• Myself. I had gone crazy by the time, yelling alone while I was driving.
Final Questions......
Hate someone in your family?
• I never hate anyone in my family! SERIOUSLY!! They love me and I love them.
Diamond or pearl?
• Diamond, of course. It worth more money. Hehe
Are you the Eldest?
• No. I am the third in my brother and sisters.
• No. I am the third in my brother and sisters.
Today did you......
Talk to someone you like?
• Nope.
Kiss anyone?
• No.
Get sick?
• Still healthy! Still need a long time for a coffin. But almost bored to death.
Talked to an ex:
• no
Miss someone:
• Almost everyday
Last person who......
You talked to on the phone?
• My lovely Mum.
Have a crush on someone:?
• No
What books are you reading right now?
• Demon and Angel (slacking for quite some times already).
Best feeling in the world:
• When I know I am loved.
Future kids names?
• never think of it.
Do you Sleep with stuffed animals?
What's under your bed?
• Just air. This question scares me. It's making me imagining things =.="
Favorite locations:
• HMmm... I wonder..
Danced a slow dance with someone you didn't even like?
•Nope, never
Who do you really hate?
• My tutors
Ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with?
•Sure. Now still.
You lonely right now?
• I am. TERRIBLY LONELY! Save me!
What time is it now?
• 3.23 am. The night is still very young. HOHOHO!
Lun, I DID IT! Wuahahaha...
But I got no one to tag.
Impossible to tag back you right ? right?
Hahaha ...
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