For God sake, go and watch this.
This is awesome!!!
If I have 3 thumbs, I definitely would raise 3 of them up!!
X-MEN : First Class.
Like how the movie is named, it's about the first class or the first generation of the X-Men.
Don't understand? How bout this, it's about when the physic man , Professor X and the super villain magnet man, Magneto when they were still teenager?
That's when the Professor X(Charles Xavier) and Magneto(Erik Lehnsherr) started to gather every mutants in the world and work together to prevent the Nuclear War.
That's before the Magneto went bad and the Professor X went bald =X. Hehe~
You know what I think? I think the real villain are the human in there. Agree?
I watched the movie last Saturday.
It's far far far far FARRR better than I expected.
You see, there is one of my friend think that the movie wont be any good since it was about the past and bla bla bla ..
At first I don't think like he did, but you know in the end, more or less you will get affected by your friend's words.
So honestly, part of my mind told me that, maybe I can see just get myself a DVD and watch it at home instead of wasting the money in the cinema.
Tell you what, LUCKILY I DID NOT DO SO!! Phew, I am about to miss one wonderful date with an awesome movie in the cinema ok??!!
I swear I will never make a pass on any Marvel movie ever again!!
I love those super heroes. I mean who doesn't??
Tell me, you never think of how nice it would be if you have those super powers?
I love every hero in the Marvel.
Spiderman, Batman, Superman, Ironman, The Incredible Hulk and etc.

Does anyone still remember The Flash? The fastest hero among them? LOL.
The Green Lantern will be released in this month!! And the Captain America will be on the coming July.
Who is going with me??!! You buy me the ticket and I can get you popcorn. :P
I not yet watch ler. @.@
So nice meh!!?? =.=
Honestly, not big interest in it but since u say so... Hiak hiak hiak..
just realise you comment on this and the other post. Yeap, it was really nice but I think it had been taken down d lo.Should have a watch if u r free anyway. :)
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