Monday, July 21, 2008


It's amazingly to see how bright is the moon tonight.
Bright enough to torch up the whole city of cat here.
I wonder what kind of feeling me myself is having now.
I feel so ..undecided, unclam and ...lonely.
It's uneasy.
I did a same thing at least ten times today.
I've got my answer but I don't feel satisfy or happy.
Looking out the big window watching how the amazing Moon is working at the top the sky.
If the moon could talk, how I wish I could ask..
"Dont you feel lonely tonight? I see no star company you today"
Hmm..With a cigaratte litted, but I don't smoke on it as many times as I usually did.
My mind just couldn't settle me down.
I feel so sleepy, but I am not.
I feel so uncomfortable but part of me not.
I thought I hide the feeling well from myself,
I thought I could open my arms, my mind and let everything go.
I thought I had decided not to make you appear in my very mind anymore.
Everytime I sense your presence are near, I would do anything to make it stop.
Well, I guess I fail today..
I just couldn 't suppress my thought and feeling today.
I change myself by force, and it requires a lots and sacrifice to do it..
It makes me a loner..

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