I love Starbucks, I always do.
One of my favourite place on the Earth.
I am not over-reacted or whatever-do-do, I mean it. Haha~
Most of the people think that Starbucks are only for those who are the caffeine lover since they serve only coffee but they are wrong! wrong! WRONG!!
Liongteck is not a caffeine lover but I still love Starbucks.
They do serve my favourite Chocolate Cream Chips and also the Java Chips.
With whip cream on top, they taste almost heavenly.
Yum Yum~

I always think that Starbucks is of the most relaxing place on Earth ever exist(at least for me it is).
I go Starbucks whenever my exam end to relieve my stress.
I go Starbucks whenever I've got nothing to do.
I go Starbucks whenever I feel like to.. LOL!!
But for me, the price for the drinks are little too expensive..
I guess that explain why my wallet is so dried up these days. =/
Most of the time, I went to Starbucks alone.
But not for today.
I almost forgot how nice it is when there's is a company even though you dont say a word.
With my favourite chocolate cream chips, some magazines, a pair of ears and those hyper-active girls, it had became one of my most enjoyable moment at the Starbucks.
Thank you ~ you girls made my day.
PS Remember, Kadang- Kadang, usiklah sendiri~ LOL
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