You see, I've been very uneasy with my life since last week and never had a good day for myself.
And, I wonder when was the last day that I could fall asleep at the night time already.
Yesterday probably the day that my uneasiness or anger was on its climax I think.
I can't sit still, I can't think well and YES!! I almost like having a sign of going crazy soon.
I found myself bitting my thumb a lot with driving around and inhaled way too much nicotine as I usual did.
Well, I seriously need help.
So, I asked my housemate whether want to go sing K with me.
Oh, my main purpose was to shout everything out. LOL!
But these were what happened.
I asked him at the day time but he seemed not to has any interest at all so he rejected.
But due to the boring"ness" we were having in the same house with only 2 guys who don't talk much, I managed to persuaded him to go but at the night time.
So, I got myself ready the moment he said yes.
Ok, that was way too early to prepare myself, so I did everything I could to distract my mind a little bit.
Borrowing his broadband to see this and that, trying to milk out some topic to talk to him, and bla bla bla ..
YES!! It was finally 8pm!
First I drove my us to the nearest Popwave but the place seems to be so fucking dammn full or probably the Kuching people are way too "kiasu" so lots of them called and booked their room so they can come late and see the person who came early for not having any room.
We left and went into The Spring to the K box, and as we saw the price listed at the outside board, I was thinking, that's is alright, only RM3 more than the Popwave.
BUT!!! My housemate suddenly said, "No, I think the time was too long, I scare later my phone will keep on ringing."
Of course, I didn't say those all out or else I will be even lonelier than I was now.
Instead I ask, "Then what are we going to do now?"
"Watch movie la", he answered.
Seriously, at that time when I heard this, I really feel like vomiting at the spot!
I mean it I swear.
Look, I've been watching 3 straight night movies in 3 days plus 1 or 2 more this week and I even almost choose to watch 2 movies at a the night before.
Movie again, you will see me running around in the movie hall naked and screaming all the bad words you could think of.
He seems to know that he had offended me and brought me to the legendary Holland so he suggested us to drink some tea before headed back and we did.
However, Like I said, I cant even sit still at all.
All I remember was being a cho-cho train for all the time there to keep myself down a little then finally head back.
You see, most of the time, I would think of a shortest route to reach the destination while I am driving but this time, I can't even think so I would just drive anywhere I can as long as I could reach home.
But before that, I came a coffee shop and had myself a little "painkiller"
It's the thing that saved my night.
Seriously, it never tasted as nice as that night before.
It was the best lullaby, best mind distraction thingy.

As I always stress on that I am never a drinker, I mean it.
But yesterday I was totaly insane that I really in need of them.
I willingly gulped down an amount of it and it feels good when I could feel that it started working at my system.
I've always been describing some people who always stick their night at the bars as.. well, you know.
But somehow, I finally realised what are they have been going through.
I really does feel good at the time like this even it's only for a moment.
I've never drink any beers tastier than this.
I've never so graceful that I was having headahce the moment the alcohol is taking place.
I've never been vomitting with a smile before.
I've never been crying my heart out loud with a laugh like yesterday.
And it really has been a long time since I could finally tired myself out on the bed at the night time.
Somehow, I just dont care I might get addicted for being at the heaven even though for just a moment.
Remind me of a saying in the movie of Protege, "Which one is the scariest of all; drugs or the loneliness?"
I think I finally understand you and most of the people in this very world.
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