I have never satisfy of anything provided here except that they do provide hot water at morning and night but not at the noon time.
Well, these are not the thing that I am going to talk about yet.
One of the things that make me most dulan one is the internet line provided.
Not only I have to pay for it but the line speed is just fucking damn too slow!!
Even some of the website are blocked, for example like youtube, rapidshare and the torrent website. Even part of the friendster!!!!! Nabeh one.
Sometimes the download speed even can as slow as the turtle is crawling,
The worst time was that it run at 650bytes/second!!!!!! But the average speed is around 10-15kbs lo.
Don't say download la, even sometimes surfing the web also very hard.
Even worse thing is I can't play any online game with the line like this ...*sob*
No wonder of my room mate said that "you will regret that you apply for this line"
Shiitt! he was right.
But no choice la, I am one of the kind that can't live without internet one.
Even if it's slow, I also need to endure it lo.
But somehow, my friend, Gilbert introduced me a download software called "internet download manager".
And guess what...

And yes, my sohai room mate was wrong!! I've not regret yet.
Thanks Gilbert for the introducing me the software and the cracks!
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