It was a disaster =.=" ..
Ha ha,...let me tell you ,
If none of your family member or your friend or your girlfriend or boyfriend is going to attend your graduation ceremony,
Don't you ever attend or register for it!!
You know why?
Because after the ceremony, all of your graduated friends will go to look for their own families member or their friends,
And you will be left alone there =.=..
Walk here and there alone only, so pity ... uhhhh T-T..
Actually the purpose for me to register into this is to bring someone special to KL to play and to attend my ceremony one,
But things happened so, there won't be any chance of it already.
Then, I was thinking, I never attend these thing before, so, I will just give it a try lo..
How know....Haih ...
Anyway, I got some pictures of it ......Ha ha...
Before that, dont laugh ok?
I know I am ugly....
Picture of group 6 members~~
The time we took this picture, a lot of the cameraman come to take this picture of us too.Wah, it's really nice to be wanted even for few seconds.
I think this one is Group 4 one
The 2nd guy in the middle one is Jia Lun. He is the one who help me to collect my gown. If not, I think I wont be able to attend this ceremony already. THANK YOU JIA LUN!! YOU ARE SO NICE. BUT YOU'VE LOST A CHANCE TO STARBUCKS FROM ME!
Charles Tan, a very very nice friend to be with. Thanks to him to help me to put on the gown. It's impossible for you to put on it alone perfectly ...Charles, Thank you yea~!! Find you again when I go KL~!!
Me and Charles
This one is me with Sook Cheng (I wonder did I spell the wrong name or not) I know I know, 6 semesters as the classmate. But wei, I never try to remember the spelling of your people name leh, plus I bet I can't really remember the name of the all classmate also.. lol..
Me with Hui Qin (Group 4 ), she loves to sing K~!!
Haha, the only picture of me with the gown, UGLY right? I know.. But weird, I love to wear it!

OW~ I wonder why, I start to miss my diploma life already ..
The DOTA life in WCG,
The nights that we never sleep because of the exam,
The Pan Mee at Tian Xia,
The wireless that slow like hell,
The room that messy like what also dont know one ..
But it's nice, isn't it ? haha..
i am lonely if without u .. haha ...
u accompany me go through my colleges life.. go through wcg dota life .. go through metrobus n taxi life.. n go through for pasar malam n steven corner life ^^...
i won't forget it .. never .. thx u .. u make my life become colourful .. :P
trust me, i'll earn back the starbucks! lol
halor..although i dun know how to play dota..i didnt stay in GK..i seldom makan with you..but my heart still with you le..i still can remember what did u look like during first sem..cos u are just too cool..seldom talk..haha..and LT..pls remember parents just went back after my convo..i also alone le..luckily u are there..after being dumped by mj..we went to minum..then walked here..walked there..haha..and pls mention that..the photo which u took for me..the flower was not mine..u didnt give me the flower..haha..
and i still can remember..we both bought a doll respectively..come on..i really cannot expect that u bought it..what for u bought for it??
LT..i missed the time during the was so fun..but the T
IME cannot reverse back??time passes..the time is looking forward..pls do appreciate what we have now..
after u come back.. we go to melaka find MJ..ok??haha..take care frenz..
P/S: pls miss me a lot..
mingji : you actually add me a comment! haha..sure the diploma life was nice! I miss it so much. No more pasar malam la! But I actually quite like the steven corner..haha..wan some Dota?
JL: I wonder why now, I hope you faster back here, we are going to starbucks! Better be fast, the appreciation is going to through depreciation.
Charles: hey you, a long long comment huh? I can't wait to go Melaka with you man! Wait for me to collect my money enough ok? Sure miss you ppl a lot...I really mean it ...=)
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