Yesterday was the Olympic's opening ceremony and yes I knew about it.
But I don't know that it was at the night of 8pm and I just got to know it like around 7.50pm something.
And so, I was as curious as the other people, I WANT TO WATCH IT!! LIVE!!!
Currently I am living in the hostel, so where the hell can I get a tv to watch!
Even if I do, I need to squeeze with the people at the downstair in a room.
And hell no! You know the smell of "the black"..
I am not being racist or what-so-ever, it's just that I can't stand on their smell..Urh..
Last time I even see one person bath with no shampoo or bath soap. OMG!
Anyway, I want to watch the olympic..
So I googled it and found some of the web..but it required me to download some sort of software so that I just can watch ..
And bloody hell, it didn't work..
When I was about to give up..the screen of my laptop went blank and appear again ..
And I know what the hell is happening already..
Virus =.= ..I had downloaded a damn fucking VIRUS!!!
Every little of the program couldn't be use ..even the RUN program..
Well, liong teck is smart, he do this do that and manage to get myself online ..
Updated my norton and it did get rid of some virus but it was still there
I cursed this and that ..and the worst is that the next morning I still have exam..
I cursed this and that ..and the worst is that the next morning I still have exam..
So, one hand on the notes and the other on the keyboard trying to fix it without format it..
So "syaki" is it the virus sent by the norton or the antivirus2008 for not updating it. And the antivirus2008 keep on asking me to get a license so that I can get rid of those virus and it's not cheap you know. It keep on pop up saying my privacy is not safe then scan scan ask me want delete the virus or not, if want, get a license.
Lim peh don't have so much money la!! no need korek from me.
The more I touch my laptop the worse it got, now even the wallpaper was replaced by some sort of picture which link to a website and no matter how I tried I just can't get rid of it..
Finally I gave up,.
This afternoon after the class, I went to Saberkas and get myself a window xp home sp2 cd and formated it!!
It's as good as new now.
And somemore I don't use the stupid, space-eating, and need-money-to-get the original norton anti-virus anymore.
I am using the AVG 8.0.
Heard my friend say it's free and more sensitive than the norton one.

Uuuhhhh~ I feel so protected by now..
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