It was so so so so so nice!!
I can't stop myself you know,
I've downloaded the anime for a long time already but don't have time to watch it
Then yesterday I tried to watch it and guess what..
From a episode to the another one ..non-stop!!
26 episodes and I finished them all in a day. Wuahaha..
Cant help, it was just too nice ..
The anime is about the war between the guys and girls at the space.
Well, they are both seperated creatures from the 1st,
The guys think that the girls are the man-eating monster,
Even they dont eat them up, for the survivors, the girls still manage to leave scar on them (which I think it's quite true, no offense!! haha)
Then the story begins when the pirate girls trying to take over men spaceship and 3 of the guys stuck with them..Of course the girls didnt eat them up la =.="
But at the end they found out that Girls and Guys are actually made to be together one .
Oh ya!! Got combined space ships to fight the enemies scene also's so so nice!!
If I didnt remember wrong, the guys space ship or more like a robot is called Van and the girls' space ships are called dread. Combine the 2 words it spell vandread.
Well, I am not going to say all the story out, want you people go and enjoy it yourself..
It's really a nice one anyway ...
Now, enjoy the pictures..

There are 4 types of combined vandreads but I think this one is the most "geng" one. Combined with 3 dreads and a van (Hibiki's robot) and another small robot (Pyoro). Pyoro named it Vandread-Pyoro but Hibiki denied it! Haha ..

Space war in the anime. But I think the one in anime one don't look as boring as this one .. =P
I hate uploading pictures. Well, may be there is a proper and easier way, I dont know. But I hate to upload it one by one then drag it all the way down ...
So, sorry for the few pictures only!! haha ..
That's it for today ...Bye~
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