When I mean relaxing, I mean Starbucks.
I prepared myself and leave my hostel at around 7pm something.
Before that I got to know that tonight is also the Olympic closing ceremony Night!!!!!!
OMG, now I have to choose between Starbucks and the Olympic.

I missed the opening ceremony and I dont want to miss the closing ceremony.
I am talking about the billions dolars ceremony ok ?
Liong Teck is in dilemma now..
Since Starbucks is so attracting, I chose to go starbucks over the olympic.
I got myself a Caramel Blended Coffee, sat myself down and enjoy the coffee with the company of "Angels and Demons - Dan Brown" with a pack of cigarattes of Dunhill Menthol Light.
Suddenly I felt a bit sorry for myself to miss the chance to watch the Olympic Closing Ceremony.
I take a look at my watch and think "there is still times!!"
40 mins at Starbucks and now I am rushing to Jln Song to watch the olympic.
So, I chose both!
Luckily I did that..
The closing ceremony was sooooooooooooo incredibly nice!!
There are a lot of superstars like Jakie Chan, Lee Hom and David Beckham.
Then then, there is a lowed-spring London-Beijing-London bus which transform like the Transformer into a performing stage. (Did you realize the gitarist a bit look like our PM, Abdullah??) lol..
The bus look like this, but of course it's brand new and got the word "London-Beijing-London" on it.
Too bad I dont have the picture of the gitarist.
Then suddenly the David Beckham appeared and kicked a ball.
China has the world most amazing fireworks performance, that's the thing that only China can do! It was so so pretty!!
I love the "pyramid" performance. (know which one I was talking about?)
The one got a lot people hang on the pyramid-shaped-tower and bend their bodies one.
They did a very very good job, especially when they end it by shaping the olympic logo.
After that is the singing performance and some nice perfomances by the performers.
I am so touched with their performances.
You can actually felt the feeling of sportmanship, the will of coperation and and ..don't know how to say ...you can even felt that even you are not there.
I am so in lurvvvvvvvvv with the Olympic now.
Definitely wont miss another opening ceremony in the next 4 years in London.
Congratulations to the 35 olympians who broke the world record and the another 85 who broke the olympic records!!
Of course not less the medalist.
Special thanks to the organizers, sponsors and the volunteers.
It's a great successful of this 16 days of olympics.
Too bad it finally come to the end, it's time to put off the sacred flame of olympic. One world, One dream! :-D
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