Tuesday, December 8, 2009
I have this feeling ..
Everytime I wake up at the time like this from the afternoon nap,
I will have the very strange feeling,
And it doesnt matter how I am waken up.
Today is not an exceptional.
I was waken up by the call from my mum asking about the home pc thingy.
By the time the phone was hung up, this feeling starting slowly to take over my heart.
I kinda feel very empty from the inside, the surrounding was too silent and very lost in anything.
You see, while I am here in Kuching for my study, I have a habit of sticking to my laptop.
Almost everytime I wake up from the sleep, greeting it will always be my first thing to do.
Then I found myself clicking aimlessly on it,
Just like looking for something..
However, I myself dont know what am I looking for...
Weird huh?
I guess I am just lonely in anyway...
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I miss you
I miss her very much.
It's like suddenly all the memories of her attacked at once, forced into my brain.
Couldn't chase them away no matter how hard I tried.
I guess I am just tired and that's why I feel so weak.
That's why I remind myself of her..
The one who could blow away all of my tiredness with just a simple kiss through the phone.
I really miss you, Ping~
But you will never know this...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
An Annoucement
In short, this means that this is going to be a private blog.
Thanks to those who always support by reading the "trashes" I wrote in the past.
Thousands apologies as I always lazy updating it.
Anyway, there's a reason behind for me to do this.
I just dont want to create any misunderstanding anymore.
Ok, I know this blog is the only place, the only device for me to let her acknowlegde something bout me.
But I dont think I have any other choice.
For her,
I wont stop writing anything here..
But I will stop everyone , I mean EVERYONE from reading this ..
Bye guys..
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Love Every 10th 20th and 30th of the months
Why? Because liongteck is going to be paid on these days every month.
If you are asking either I have a job already or what, the answer is NO!
No no no, I am still a unemployed full time student.
It's just that last month, I made a plan on how am I going to spend the limited money deliver by my Mum to me so that, I will have extra to save for a vacation and enough for me to spend whenever I am going back.
LOL!! I won't ask for a single cent from my mum if I am back home, so, I can only depend on how am I going to spend the money here.
You are thinking too much if you think that I am going to expose how much my Mum deliver me each month. LOL!!!
Back to the topic...
Ok, what I did is, deduct the rental, streamyx bill, handphone bill, car fuel and some savings then leftover will be for my food and entertainment.
So, I divide the times for me to withdraw the money from ATM into 3 parts in each month which fall on every 10th , 20th and 30th. XD
It's not much, but if I try not to be so waste, save a little , there might still be some left for the entertainment which I kinda made it for the last 10 days. WUAHAHAHAHA! ** proud proud**
Guess what?! Today is the 10th of September, which mean tomorrow I there will be more money is going to be available in my wallet!! HAHA!
I never like it when my wallet is empty ( who does?? )
HO Ho Ho~
Anyway, wish me good luck to have enough money to pay for my own future traveling expenses as fast as possible!!
Out of the topic..
I had a dream last night which I wanna make it a part of my memories.
It's a very very weird dream and the weirdest thing is I dont find it's weird when I was in the dream. (ok, bullshit)
I kinda like it, I dont know why.
It started with me in my old house..
Like there is some kind of singing competition there and I part of the member.
There are pf two me.
I mean yeah, two , dua, lian ge, me, whose one of them is ME (obviously) and another one is the younger me.
Anyway, it's like a mass singing competition, I didnt sing, but the younger me sang a little and it ended just like this ( I mean the competition not the dream)
I dont really remember what happened next .. till..
I found out that me and her ( yes, she is inside and that's the part I never want to forget) and two other guys are the person who leave the home late.
It's like we try to be as hurry as we can to leave that place because it seems like there is something chasing for us.
Just as we are about the leave the place, she and I automatically hold hands ^^.
I mean automatically!!
At the time we both know we are already not lovers but we hold hands like there is nothing happened.
Till after we left the place, we just noticed that we are holding hands but, we didnt let go of each other till we reach her house ( YES, we ran to her house, because I saw her mum and dad there = =")
I hugged her for awhile but she didnt resist.
She resisted a little when I try to kiss her since her mum was just behind us.
The next thing I can remember is that, we know we were tired and we were asked to go to have a sleep.
Guys were asked to sleep outside the house and the girls to sleep inside with her families.
It's very very hard to describe the situation.
But in the end, I know that I left.
Before that, I tried to let her know that I am leaving but she pretend that she didnt see my signal and pretend to be asleep (Don't ask me why, I just know, there is never logic description in most of my dream)
It's sad but I feel quite happy to think that I am able to hold her hands once again, hugging her and even kissed her.
What I feel that time was, it's worth to have all these in exchange for my leaving.
So, I just walked out the house ...
This time, with the smile on my face..
Then I woke up by the damn shit alarm.
I know what I've written here about my dream is very confusing but you know, it's never easy to describe the dream as accurate as we can.
I tried my best anyway.
I just want the dream to be memorized. :-D
Sunday, September 6, 2009
That's the feeling
The child I mean here is like when you are still in primary school or in secondary level.
I mean you are in a kind of situation that makes you feel or remind you of many years ago.
It's kind of nostalgic~
It feels weird but comfortable.
It bring back a lot of memories years back then.
Yea, this is what I feel now. I mean now. HAHAHA!
I am listening to the AiFM through online right now.
I dont know what's the name of the song in the air now but it's kind of slow song that makes you feel so relax.
Plus the cool air after heavy rain just now,
Remind me of when I was still in primary school.
Woke up around 6am everyday preparing for the school.
Then my mum would always turn the radio on while helping me and my sisters for the preparation.
If I didnt remember wrongly, it was the station called "The 5th station (DI WU TAI)" that my mum always love to listen to.
That time, I am never insterest in listening to any songs.
So, I never know most the song that been air-ed, but, somehow the songs air-ed are always the slow songs and made you feel kinda relax by listening to them.
That's what I feel right now. LOL!!!!
Ow OW OW OW!!!
How I hope I could turn the time back to when I was still in primary school.
NO worry, no bad memories, no sadness at all.
Parents are always there for you whenever you need something.
Never know what's the love stuff that turn your life going up side down.
What's better than the life of a child who is shower with loves right?
Asking for a change
Okay, I did thought of it.
Yea, if you gonna ask, do I even ever make a first step about this, the answer will be a big YES!
I shuted down my friendster and facebook.
I played the songs I sealed long time ago and listened to it like the normal other songs.
I tried to erase everything off from my mind.
I smiled everyday right after I wake up in the morning.
I keep on eat and eat and eat, so that I am able to go to sleep right after I lie down onto my bed before my mind start playing tricks with me.
I blocked and deleted things in the Hotmail.
So fucking shit that none of those things worked even a little.
Okay, I know I am EMO-ing again and this going to be another emo post.
HAH! Now I know I only write when I am in terrible mode.
I forgot when I did it, it be should about 2 weeks ago, I shuted down my friendster and facebook.
Reason?? I dont like to have them anymore :-D
.......... .... ... .. . . .. . . . . . . ..
Okay fine, the reason is always the same when I made a big decision.
Who the hell will go and stop doing the same thing which almost like a habit suddenly when he or she just feel dont like it.
I gotta admit that there is a lot of beautiful memories in that stuff especially the Friendster.
I can still remember the reason why I start into this thing.
That day when I cant wait to back from the school to open up the messages inside it.
The comments and the messages, I have to say it's bit pain in my heart when I shuted it down.
But hey, I gotta do something, right?
How I wish I have the flashy thingy in the "Men In Back" movie.
One flash, you forgot everything.
The best thing about that is, you can even alter your memories.
By then I would ask someone to flash it onto me, erase my 6 to 7 years memories and re-write it with happy stories.
Life would be so wonderful by then.
At least, I could forgot who I've met in my life....
You know, it's hard when sometimes sad keep haunting your mind. LOL!
Sometimes, I feel like I might one of the loneliest person in this world.
You might not able to see it from the outside, but if only I could get you inside of me, all you could see is the absolute darkness.
Sometimes, I feel that I am wrong to think that what all girls always want is love. In fact, what they want is a guy who doesn't make them cry.
Sometimes, I feel like I might be the ugliest and also the worst guy on earth. I must've done something that makes you leave me.
Sometimes, I hope I could ask for a hug or a kiss from you since it's impossible for me to ask for another chance anymore.
Sometimes, there is a little hope in my heart that you could see all what I've written in here. It's not to make you feel guilty but to let you know that, my heart is always empty since the day you left.
If it's in the past, you might get annoyed after reading everything I've written in here.
You never like me to write any emo post at all, not even one. HAHA
Even though now you are far away from me, I wonder the reason why I am still writing all these, is you as well.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I drew a fake smile on my face pretending I know nothing at all.
I tried to clear my mind up and re-input others new data just to forget the things I always tried so hard to forget.
Without realising it, I was sitting on the sofa in the living without the lights on.
Yes, I was all alone in the house.
Somehow, I feel kinda comfortable in the dark.
At least I couldnt see anything, hear anything and know anything anymore.
It suits me, isnt it?
I am like a frog which fall in the deep well, no matter hard I jump, I just couldnt get out of there.
It's like when you love someone so much and when you go too deep inside, there's no way out when it ends.
I know it's easy to forget a person or to throw away everything and start a new one.
I know because I see it through most of the people in the world and especially you.
I am just too stupid to learn , to master the skill which it's easy for everyone else.
My mind just stubbornly couldnt accept the only choice I have.
If there's any secret formula or step that I should know to master the skill, please do let me know.
Because no one like the dark or to be the frog in the well.
Every second, to wait for a miracle to pull me out of here.
I always know how high is the sky, but I couldnt remember how big is the world anymore, since the day I jumped into this well myself....
Saturday, August 15, 2009
liongteck dont like to dream
I slept at 11pm just now.
I dont know why I am so tired for the whole day that I even lost interest in playing my favourite online game, Maple Story.
Well, I really need to admit that it really feel good to sleep that early.
It would be better if I don't have any dream(s) just now.
I dont really like to dream happen on me when I am sleeping, no matter it's a sweet one, or nightmare.
LOL, I think I have lost the ability in classifying either it's a good or bad dream as well.
Anyway, it's expected that I will wake up early if I sleep too early.
I am correct!!
I woke up at 2.30am just now. (By the dream)
It's a weird dream.
Remember in the past, whenever I had this kind of "weird dream", she will be the only one listening to me telling it.
When I say "weird dream", most of the time it involve her inside, doing unexpected thing, saying words that most likely not going to happen in the reality.
Actually I had 2 dreams just now.
I woke up by the 1st dream then I continue to sleep again.
After that 2nd dream attacked, I woke up and I couldnt close my eyes again.
Well, both do involve her.
Or should I say, most of the part is about her.
The weird thing is, I can remember almost every part of the dream that I dreamt.
I wont say it's a nightmare.
But, like I said, I dont really like to dream, especially the "weird dream".
And that might be one of the reason why, I dont sleep early at night..
Because most of the dreams I dreamt, she appeared in it.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
"あなたの夢が叶ったことがありますか? "私はまだここに苦しんでいる
"Have your wish come true yet?" I am still struggling here.
I have been siting here alone, all night long until I realise the sun is about to rise.
It has been expected that I am not able to sleep again last night.
My mind is full of everything, so mixed up that I couldnt find a way to sort it accordingly.
I know I've a decision to make.
Between the two diverged road in front of me, I still not brave enough to take a step ahead.
It's obvious of what type of road I should take and yet I am still doubting about it.
I always know there is no such thing as "easy road" exist in this world.
But Dear GOD, you've just put me in the worst situation ever in my life and forgot to pull me out of there.
Today is 9th of August which is your b'day.
I wonder do you ever realise this is the 1st time ever that I was there celebrated it with you.
I always wish I was there for you when you are still belong to me.
But things just happened every time and stopped me to having these kind of special days with you.
At least, in this year, my wish is granted.
A so-called surprise party which I've always wanted to do it just for you.
I guess it's just too late for it.
Sitting here with the silent world,
Making everything about you and me flashed through my mind.
How you and I was once so in love with each other.
And how, it was terribly ended.
Remember the words I've told you which trigger you and me together?
"It's also a kind of happiness to be loved isn't it?"
Remember how the 1st time I hold your hand and asked "Will you give me a chance to be with you?" and you nodded.
Remember how happy I was and I told you that I wanna let the whole world about this??
Remember the day when I hold your hand in the shopping mall wherever we go.
Remember the 1st Chinese New Year's Eve we spent together at my house when we had our 1st kiss.
Remember when we are so worried about each other to get bored when we are with our friends and we keep asking each other "Are you boring?". And for most of the time, we just shooked our head and say no. Because it was never boring as long as we are by each other side.
Remember the 1st song you made for me on the day when I went outside to continue my study?? You asked for the title for the song from me but in the end we gave the title together as the "Love Notes".
Remember the time whenever I was back from KL, I fetch you back from your school after the study.
Remember sometimes when I was about to fetch you back, you asked "Are you going to send me back now?" And I said "no" everytime because I wanna spend as much time as I can just to be with you.
And do you remember, the time when we both keep teasing each other are old and we nicked each other as "Ah pek and Ah mu"
I remember that I keep saving up my money just because I want to bring you to a trip with just you and me. But in the end, I just cant hold to buy things for you whenever I am back from KL with the fund.
I still rememeber there was once when I back from KL, the first thing I did was to go and find you. And you gave me a kiss right after you came into the car.
I remember that there are once we had an arguement and you suddenly felt pain around your chest, I was so worried and wanted to send you to the hospital, but you refused and ask me to send you back home. On the way, you suddenly told me do not ever not to ignore you. On that time how I wish I could hug you so tightly that I never want to let go for the rest of my life.
I also remember that you put on your best make up and dress which you hate the most just for me on the last day before I went to KL.
And I always remember the time ....when you called me as your "Dear"
There are so many things to say, so many things to write it here.
What we had together, what we did and what we had been through all together.
It will never be enough time and space for me to pour everything we did together out here.
But everything are just memories when our time had came to the end.
Honestly, I thought after all these days and months, I've already give up in getting you back into my life.
Then I realised, what I did all these times after we broke up was just paralysing myself and when the effect is over the great pain is still there and it didnt fade even a little.
Whenever I drop my tears for you, I always hope that will be the last time I do so.
But the "last time" just never come and I never fail to cry whenever I am alone thinking the past.
God are still being mercy on me, at least he made my tears company me whenever I am sad.
"Why are you taking me to go through the most memorable journey, then left me with the most painful souvenior"
Happy birthday. Dear..
This might be last time I will be saying this.
How I wish you could hear this from my own.
I will try my best to do my part in granting one of your 3 wishes..
As your best birthday gift you will ever receive.
Then I smiled..with tears rolling down my cheeks.
You are like bird which love to fly up high in the sky.
The higher the better and it would be the best to be higher than anyone else in the world.
I realise whenever you are with me, you couldnt open your wings and fly.
Even if you could, there's always a limit of how high and far you can go.
It's like me, tying you with a rope restricting the height and the length of your journey.
Now, I know you've left me for the better person who could bring you up high into the sky.
So high up that you couldnt see me anymore.
I know how much you are in love with the person since that person is the reason which you could finally know how beautiful is the world watching from the above.
However, if there is a time when you feel like falling..
I just want you to know, I will be the first person to be there to catch you from the below.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Good Morning!!
Had a nice sleep last night?
If ya, then good.
If no, say hell ya with me as we are in the same boat.
I suppose to have class now but I decided to skip.
I am totally tired after the several sleepless night.
Besides, this early morning, I have already looked through my notes that whatever will be teach by my tutor today I think I at least know what to do with it.
Anyway, for me, I think "study hard and a get a good job" is not my type.
I dont wanna wake up early morning everyday and rush for work, get paid and becoming the government slave by paying a huge amount of taxes.
What I think is "Study hard and get a good job" theory doesnt work in this world anymore.
Maybe it works for the past but not now.
Do you all know even doctor is struggling financially in these day??
I am looking forward a business, an investment that required a little knowledge of how the money works.
But of course, my studies still will not be negelected.
It's kinda important anyway, at least for my parents, that is.
It's already 8.30am, I suppose to be on my bed now.
You must be thinking, not going to class, then what the hell I am doing here and not go to bed.
Nah, it's just that when I decided to skip my class, my so called "sleepy" is not there anymore.
I guess at least my rebel part is functioning quite well.
Once again, Good Morning everyone.
Wish you all have a nice day.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
When the cold and hot combined
I typed it again and I deleted it again.
I know I have something to say.
I know I have something to ask.
I know I have something to write it here.
And I wonder how am I going to "re-decorate" it and "wrap" it nicely before presenting it.
I just don't want to create any trouble, any misunderstanding, especially not causing any sadness.
As I know, hurricane is formed by the combination of hot and cold air.
Hurricane messed up and destroyed anything wherever it goes and passed through.
And for human's feeling, the combination of hot and cold, it brings confusion.
Confusion messed up one's heart, making your day from worse to worst, brings you one of the worst feeling you ever had in life and you couldnt decide what's the next step or action you should take.
Scare of making the wrong decision, you will lost the thing you want forever.
Yesterday, I lied my head down onto the table, looking blankly at the wall.
I was not clearly knowing what's on my mind, what song am I listening to.
All I know, I was pretty down on that time.
I reach out one of my hand..
Trying to catch the light which forced itself in from the outside.
When everyone knows it's impossible to do so and so do I.
But somehow, I get to know that, there is no impossible as long as you try hard enough and never give up.
I guess there is some of the things that you just couldnt reach and get no matter how much effort you've put into it.
And by that time, give up could be the best choice you've got to make.
However, when the confusion sets in...
You will never know what will be the next step that you should take.
There will be too much "if" occur in my mind ..
Is that a sign ? Or..
Is this just a bump on the pathway? Or..
Is it the time to give up?
If ya, how ??
You just couldnt decide.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sleepless... AGAIN?!!!
YES! I didnt get to sleep at all since last night.
The worst thing is I will be having my 3 hours class at 8am later.
DUH~ I wonder what is wrong with me.
I just cant get into sleep no matter how I forced myself.
At first I thought I was just hungry (I found myself have a habit of taking supper before I go to bed [I think that's why I am getting fatter zzzz]), but I did get off my bed and consume a big cup of milk and some CoCo Crunch.
Obviously, it didnt help at all.
ARHHHHHHHHH! SOMEBODY just come and smack my head off till I faint.
I just hope I wont be sleepy at class later.
You see, since the day I decide to take ACCA, I know I am gonna face a brand new level of education here and my aim for this semester is NOT to fail any of the subject.
And to achieve that, I need to stay focus in the class as much as I can.
Guess what...
Instead of looking ways to get me into sleep, I think I have to find ways to keep me awake now.
It's time for me to prepare to go for class. =(
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Make Me STFU!
I think I made something wrong again.
I think I thought something wrong once again.
~* long long sigh *~
I am really suck in advicing and making people feel better.
I only know how to made thing worse.
But the worst thing is, I only realise it when it was all too late.
And *poof*
Hmm...I guess I gained myself another months of ignorance or probably forever.
I really really should've just shut the fuck up when something happened.
I should not even talk, try or even think about it.
Since ignorance is falling on me, I guess I'm gonna be all alone again.
I always want to watch "Drag Me To Hell" since I watched the trailer while I was in Singapore.
And after the "I-dont-know-what-the-movie-is-about" Harry Porter, my desire to watch "Drag Me To Hell" is getting stronger.
Well, there is not even need to think how is the situation gonna me by the time I watched this movie.
At least I am sure it's not like what I had imagined on last Wednesday.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Broken part.
Lazily dragging myself to reach for my handphone with my half opened eyes.
How I wish the time is freezed and stopped at this moment because the next move had bring my feeling down to the lowest point.
I read something I shouldn't.
I knew something that I suppose not to know.
I should've known all these and expect for it.
I keep reminding myself not to think more than that because I know I am going to put myself in trouble if I do.
I thought I am ready for it.
And yet..It still brings me a great disappointment.
I couldnt reject as I know this is what I've been waiting for.
Such a good way to push me down from the hill.
I am not blaming anyone except myself.
I should've know all these is going to happen.
But why now?
Now, I wish it never come, rather than putting myself in the situation like this.
But why I still counldnt say no to you ?
I should've make my day through like the normal one.
Even though it is a meaningless one.
Humans always regret last heh?
I need my cigarette..
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Somebody call 911!!!
Ok, I know I know, MIA from the blog for a long long time again.
It's just that recently, my time are so pack with something else.
My studies and MAPLE!! LOL!!
If you do read my blog, you should know how crazy I am with the Maple.
And!! When I say I am busy with my studies , it means I am back to Kuching AGAIN!
Honestly, I feel that I play Maple just to pass some boring times away but, once I start with it I always find myself play till the late at night. Hehe~
Cause you see, I don't really spend my time with Maple if I am in Sibu.
Anyway out the crap.
Somebody call 911!!!
Heard of this before ?
If you do, you should know what I mean.
haha, I kinda like the song and I wonder why.
No! I didnt meet or see some hot ladies dancing around me.
NO no, it's even worse for you to think that, somewhere around me is burning, that's crap.
I just that I've fall in love with this song since I first heard it from the hitz.Fm
If you like this song as me do, yea! We are in the same gang here.
Here, I found this in youtube and decide to post the song here.
Hope you will like it.
P/S, Currently, I really need 911 to save me out of this boring-steaming-4-wall-sided-room. There's a probability that I might get to be one of the source of the fire disaster if I stay in here long enough. Dial for me please, anyone?? Haha
Monday, June 1, 2009
Reap Me, DEATH!!
15 hours from now, I will be having my F6 exam!!
And yet, I am still not in mood to do my revision yet!!
So, far I had just done doing half of all the topics!!
I am so so so in trouble now!
This is what I feel now.

Erm, no, that's not me.
But what's the different? Zzzzz~
Inside my mind is full of TAX TAX TAX and those stupid sections and Acts.
You see, I moved away my laptop from my table so that I will have more space for my notes while doing my revision.
On the other hand, I just thought that I can concentrate more on my revision if my lappie is not in front of me.
But HELL YA!! I finally realise that the power of attraction of my lappie is not wise to be underestimated!
May be moving it away from my sight wont do any help, perhaps I should leave it at Sibu next time??
Nah, KILL ME if I really do that.
I rather die. LOL!
Anyway, see this..
Look Ma, I am really doing my revision.
Those are the summaries of what I had revised so far.
Erm, ignore the Pepsi from KFC.
That's my today's lunch
No, I didnt waste my time to go to KFC to relax myself.
It's just that I had my lunch late and don't know what to eat, so, I went to KFC to have it take away.
WTF!! Fuck the KFC thingy.
I am in miserable and super-emo condition now.
So, Ma, dont say I didnt try my best. I DID, OK ??
Now, back to the notes...
*SOBS* =(
Friday, May 29, 2009
What's in my mind..
It's kinda weird.
I dont feel like how I felt like before.
No sign of the increase of the heart rate.
Didnt wake up in shock.
And my pillow is still dry.
I probably have already get used to it.
It's too easy to illustrate how I spent my day yesterday.
Just imagine, a laptop, a pillow and the floor.
And my day was over until the sun rised and reminding me that it's time to go to bed.
I slept at almost 7 today's morning and woke up around 1 in the afternoon.
Dont "wah" or "wow", it's kinda normal for me.
I just cant sleep like normal people do. I wonder why.
As for today, I went out to my college to collect my exam docket.
Then I drove around the city in my car for hours.
It's not that I am wasting the car's fuel.
Just that I dont feel like going back to the four-wall-steaming-room yet.
You know what, I start listening to the radio, I forgot since when.
Hitz.FM, MyFM, and Ai FM.
Maybe it's cause of I am getting sick of hearing the same songs over and over again.
Ok, these stations may be not playing the new songs everyday but..
At least some of them, I 've never heard it before and I like it.
It's kinda enjoyable what.
Today I stick myself with Ai FM.
I forgot what song it is but I know I am listening to every single lyric of that particular song and trying to apply it into my life.
Almost everyone do that what.
And there's no doubt that my mood went down to the lowest point.
And when it happens, almost everytime, she will appear in my mind.
It reminds me of the way she look at me at the very very last time I saw her.
The eyes, the face and the lips..
I will never have chance to tell her that I really miss her and I seriously know that.
However, you know what, I am learning.
Learning how to give up a thing.
In the past, I thought giving up is a bad thing.
I mean, it's an unnecesarry thing to be learnt in anyone's life.
But in the end I realize that, in real life, you need to learn to give up even though you dont like to do so.
And when I say learn, I mean you've to keep trying to do so.
So, today, when I was down, I smiled and told myself that, I am just tired.
You know , pressurized by the coming exam, sleepless night and the loneliness are what I am fighting in these days.
Then, I told myself not to think anymore.
So, I concentrate in driving and think of other things.
Maple and Restaurant City in facebook.
GOSH, so so unfortunately, Restaurant City is under the mantainence now.
And I cant log into Maple, or else , I will be going to skip my revision again.
So, I come to here. LOL!!!
I guess that's for today.
Gonna start my revision.
I hate to study!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
My 21st Birthday Dinner
You know liongteck is always a lazy bug so, here it is now. LoL
My both sisters and I went back Sibu for Ching Ming's festival that time and they decided to celebrate my 21st birthday earlier since they wont be with me on the 25th of May.
So, they actually treat me a big dinner in Cafe Cafe (I've forgotten the exact date, sorry).
All I remember was, it's the last day before I came back here to Kuching for my hellish life again.
For now, I'll just let the pictures do the talking.
Before that, there's one other reason why I post this late.
This is because I'm still deciding either to post this blog or not.
So, that's why =D.
Anyway, for now, enjoy my ugliness.
Our cousins and two of my sisters' friends were invited to the dinner as well.
Here, I am going to say that I'm sorry for coming late that night.
When I reached there, they had actually finished their meals and got to wait for me to finish mine. **paiseh**
Ok, forget about the small details like what we had eaten that night.
We move to the main event.
And here there are.
One of my cousin,WisWong, suddenly talked to me right after I finished my spaghetti.
Honestly, at the time, I had sensed something was not very right.
Why suddenly she would talk things about ACCA with me?
Then suddenly ...
Severals staffs in Cafe Cafe came up with a cake and my siblings begin to..
"Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to ba-liong-by-teck (they cant decide decide either to call me baby or liongteck, obviously, they didnt do any rehearsal)
HAHAHAHAHA (then they laughed)
What a b'day song.
BUT STILL, I love it XD.
What A Surprise!!!
My birthday cake!!!
Sense something is wrong??
Yeap, it should be 21st and not 21th. LoL
I made my wish which is still almost the same as last year.
But this year, I added some for my education part.
Cut my cake..
And I had my own piece of cake now ^^
I tell you what, this is going to be the best cake I ever had in this year.
I still have no idea who bought this cake and where is it came from but I had thought that it was from my sisters because.. (forget it) and the word "Bro.liongteck" on it. THANKS A LOT!!
Before I had my chance to really enjoy the cake.
Suddenly I felt something is not very very very right.
My cousins suddenly stay far away from me and laughed,
One of my sis' friend suddenly said "I had this before and that's the end of my day"
I turned my head left to see what are they looking at and ... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??
My eyeballs were going to drop when I saw this then I stared back at my cousins.
They laughed and said "This is our tradition, everytime when they were someone's b'day, he or she gonna sip down this thing"
Then I was like, OMG!! A Flaming Lamborghini = the end of my night!!
But tradition is tradition, I respect that and plus, there is nowhere I can run also.
So we gathered around and watched how the "campfire" was set up.
Then a picture, before I sip down this thing.
Next thing to happen is ...
GLup! glup!
There was fire on it which cant be seen in the photo.
and GLUP!!
Then a greeny liquior was poured down to put off the fire before I finished everything in a time.
I felt like a dragon which almost breath out fire from the mouth.
It was so bloody hot and dry.
And my head started to feel dizzy after a few minutes.
I am not a good alcoholic, I seriously know that.
Then next thing I know was,
Cam-whoring time.
They really know how to choose the right time to cam-whore I tell you.
First is my 1st cousin, WisWong.
Later is my 2nd cousin, Hermes (sorry bout the blurry pic, that's the only picture I found in hundreds of them)
Then my 3rd cousin, Zankle.
After that is my 1st sister, CJ
Next is us, brothers and sisters.
Later I was sitting on my own chair eating my cake to keep my alcohol down, as they kept..
More photos
Then my pity brother, Andy was dragged inside as well.
They are evils!!
They dont stop just like this.
These just dont satisty them yet.
So they, came to me and dragged me out from my chair ..
And had pictures with them will I still in my dizziness.
This is the funny one.
See how red is my face? HOW UGLY I AM??!!
It's was one of the best b'day dinner in my life.
I wonder when was the last time I actually celebrated my b'day with my families.
It's really nice.
Well, thanks to my cousins and my sisters' friend who attended the dinner.
Especially my sisters,
This is one of the best gift I ever had.
I love you guys~
How I wonder the coming 25th of May is going to be.
Alone in Kuching with my hellish life?
Back to Sibu gather with my friends?
Back to Sibu and snoring my day off on my bed.
The other way round ... =)
Monday, May 4, 2009
Am I that bad.
Wonder when was that time.
But the one same question still linger inside my mind until today.
"Am I that bad?"
I am still looking for a definite answer.
How am I going to answer this very question.
Who is the question to ?
What's the matter?
Why are you asking this?
Who invovled?
What makes you asking from me ?
No clue at all.
Now I am wondering,
How if I am the one asking the question.
Am I that bad?
Then why ... ... ......... ..?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Especially the one at my own hometown at Aloha Coffee Shop.
I lurvvv laksa.
But not that very hot type, liongteck don't like it too hot.
Served in warmy condition and lots of laksa soup.
I am not talking about asam laksa, I never like asam laksa.
I am talking about Sarawak Laksa.
Still remember in the past while I was still studying in KL,
Everytime when there is semester break, then I went back Sibu,
I never miss to eat my favourite laksa.
Morning breakfast = laksa
Sometimes, lunch = laksa
Even night time sometimes also, = laksa.
No, not even a big rain could stop me from eating laksa, instead it is the best time to have it.
Well, thanks to the person who companied me as well =D
Unfortunely in the past few days, the weather was so bloody hot.
Several times I was awaken from the sleep due to the hot hot air.
I even sweat after a bath.
So, it's like suiciding if I am still eating laksa at those time.
But TODAY!! YEAH!! It's cloudy whole day today.
The weather is so cool!!
And the rain finally came at around 4 pm just now.
So, it's pretty obvious what I had for my lunch today.
I went to the nearby Expert Coffee Shop and had this takeaway.

Well, I wouldnt say it's nice if compare to the one at Sibu.
It's a bit too hot for me and the soup given is only just the right amount for the mee.
I prefer the soup level should be at least more then the mee.
However it does temporary satisfy my carve-ness for now. LOL
I can go for the 2nd one but not anymore, else I'll be gettin' fatter.
Out of the topic,
This evening, my mum called and said that my brother's bag was stolen while he was taking part in the running competition of his school's (Sacred Heart, English) sport day today.
There is a Sony Ericsson W910i hand phone, a Sony PSP and his Body Glove wallet inside.
So, whoever saw anyone in Sibu carrying a black with a number "25" logo Addidas bag, please kindly inform me.
I am very sure that there wont be a 2nd one appear in Sibu as it's a limited edition bag which was bought in Singapore.
So, whoever is carrying it, that person is gonna be really sorry for it.
As for that useless -no-parent-taught kid who steal my brother's bag, good luck so that you wont be found by me, or else you gonna pay for a high price for it.
I curse your 18 generations are born without ass hole!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Not as simple as "Pain"
Teach me how to forget to love you.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
A day without laptop.
My lappy suddenly broke down and couldn't get into the windows no matter how many times I restarted it.
At first I thought it might be the Mircosoft found out that I am not using their original or registered windows but then..
After a thousand times of restarting , knocking here and there, unplug this and that, I finally found the source of the problem.
It's the hard disk.
My lappy couldnt detect the hard disk, so, that's the reason why it can't detect any operational system.
If it couldn't detect any OS, how the hell it's going to get into windows? *bang my head at the wall*
Well, I was not very sure of that but I was thinking of if I unplug the hard disk and plug it back, will it works ?
UNFORTUNATELY, I dont have any screw driver, so I cant open the casing on the back to re-plug the hard disk.
EVEN MORE UNFORTUNATE thing is, it was already 9.30pm, where the hell I can buy myself a screw driver?
Now, I am SCREWED!
I knew I shouldn't have wasting time knocking here and there and restarting the lappy.
So, I look around my room to look for anything I can use to screw these screws.
And I found my long lost fork. LoL!!
Since I am not using it anymore, so, I'm not gonna waste it.
It's quite difficult at 1st but I made it anyway.
Until the last screw, I gave up.
Screw back everything and this is what my pity fork had become.

so obvious that I cant use it anymore. HAHA
No, I was not going to give up yet.
I changed on my cloth, grab my keys and decided to try my lucky at the 7-11.
But in the end, I end myself up here.

Know where is this place? NO?

Okay, how bout this!!
I wonder what made me drove so far away from the 7-11 and came to the airport for the Caramel Frappucino.
It's just that while I was driving, I felt like something was calling my name and controlled me.
By the time I was conscious, I was trapped.
It was happy to be trapped anyway. Lol!!
Anyway, after the coffee, I don't feel like going back yet.
Probably because I feel like if I am back, I am going to be alone again.
So, I decided to have a late movie.
I came to Cineplex.
It was so hard for me to decide which movie to watch.
So much of them and all of it seems so nice.
In the end I choose this.

The Snipers.
I know how out dated I am.
This movie had been released for so long time and I only get to watch now.
I know I know, because on that night, this movie was shown in Hall 3 which is the biggest hall in Kuching Cineplex, but, there was approximately around 17 persons included me only were watching it.
This proved how many people had already watched it and I just get to watch mine now.
It was so so so so NICE!!
So interesting!!
Two big thumbs UP!
I even hold my pee just not to miss every single part of the movie. LoL!
liongteck felt so satisfying with it.
And I plan to go for another movie again tonight.
But it's kinda sad to watch movies alone especially when you saw everyone is with either their friends or partners. *sobs*
I left the cinema and finally came to the 7-11.
No, I didnt forget anything about my lovely lappy yet.
But guess what, 7-11 do sell screwdrivers but..
Non of the size is suitable for my lappy's screws. *sigh*
I went back home, tried not to look at my lappy..
Got myself on bed, read as much comics as I could
And I forced myself to sleep.
I SURVIVED till this early morning and I rushed to Everise to buy screwdriver as soon as I opened my eyes.
As you can see, it's all fixed now ^^.
Luckily I didnt bring it to computer shop for servicing it, or else I'm gonna pay another RM30 for nothing and yet gonna lost everything in my lappy again.
As for now, I am still deciding either to go to watch movie again or not.
If there's anyone wanna company me, my answer will definitely be a "yes".
Ok. So now, who wants a movie with the pity lonely liongteck ?
If no, I think will just stay a home and deal with my Maple again. Lol..
Monday, April 20, 2009
Old Love Song (copycat-ed)
After reading it I feel like writing one bout the old song too.
So, Wis, you wont mind me become a copy cat right ?? RIGHT ??
Okay, I know you won't.
Old songs huh? hmmm...
Honestly, sometimes I prefer to listen to old songs instead of the lastest one.
If you really notice the old love songs' lyrics, you will find how meaningful it would be.
I would say most of the lyrics are better then the songs these days.
I also couldn't agree more to say, they actually sing out the feeling we'll have in real life.
So, like WIS did, I picked one old love song for this post as well. =)
Ok, it's not as old as the one she chose.
It's average old.
Present to you all...
BenDan - Jin Sha
This song is kinda meaningful in my life.
It's just after a long 3 years of waiting, this song actually made my life sparked a little and became a red hot fire.
However, it has been put off now.
This may sounds stupid but I actually dreamt about writing her name all around the wall and even the ceilling.
Till' I woke up (still in my dream) , I was shocked myself
That time, I really get the feeling of how empty of this room is.
I tried to erase them off before my mum notice.
However, it's not erasable and my mum actually knocked on my door and came in.
Before I see my mum expression, I woke up in the real world.
Ok, now laugh whatever you want.
Anyway, Dad!! I dreamt about you this afternoon while taking my nap.
I burst into tears while saw you sitting on the back seat of the car.
Baby miss you.
Ok now, Zankle , I am still waiting.
For the pics of the dinner of course. LOL!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Completed one subject!!! And the ramdonness.
That means from today on, there will be one class less from my weekly timetable.
Which means I am totally free on Tuesday ^^. Yay~~
Stupid MPW 2153 Moral Education.
Stupid Mata Pelajaran Wajib.
Till now I still can't get the reason why we are compulsorily to take this subject.
No, I don't think I am going to be a very moral person after studied this.
I don't think I need to know more about other religion thingy because I respect anyone who respect me too.
I don't think I need to know more about sex relationship,
Definitely not what Bush are thinking.
Anyway, I think I did pretty good in the exam.
In fact I don't think I can do any better than today.
I burnt few days midnight oils because of this and my day is totally turn upside down.
It makes me sleep late at night and more in the day and my face is like a zombie now.
Seriously, I don't have my notes to study for this subjects as I haven't got my student ID yet.
Can't blame me!! I did applied for mine but the problem is the "high tech" INTI's machine is always broken and they postponed the date from the early till the end of the semester.
Eventually, even after I did my exam already, I still dont have my ID yet. How effecient they are.
I hate the guards of the gate in front the INTI.
I always think that they are hired just to stop any student's car from coming in.
For example like this morning, I drove my car in and stopped by him.
I told him that I got exam need to attend.
Then he replied " I know you got exam but later Inti is going to do something something"
Know your shit! There's never once you let me in even as a visitor instead of student.
Stop acting like a boss and be flexible.
You should know how shit is the parking place provide to student.
AND FUCK YOU INTI! Prepare a good parking place for student please.
I paid you more than what I've paid in TARC last time.
And the services provided is much better than this.
Now you know how much I love my college.
Anyway, I had my 1st and brand new Gucci wallet from my sister, CJ last time when we're back to Sibu.
It's as my upcoming b'day gift. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
And you too Ping (my 2nd sister), for your Gucci bag and nice dinner. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH ^^.
Hehe, I didn't bring the Gucci bag since I don't really use it while I am here.
I leave it at home so, I don't take any picutre of it.
By the way, I had my sister's N93 as well since she bought hers Iphone.
And fucking shit it's not in good condition.
It just shut down suddenly whenever I press on it.
It's still not fixed yet and I wonder what's the problem.
It's not the system since I paid RM30 for nothing to format it.
I was told it COULD be the battery.
And NO WAY I would spend another hundred plus for that "COULD".
So, it means I still dont have a good camera to take pictures.
Anyone know a good technician to introduce?
As now, out of the randomness
This is the picture I've taken while waiting for someone to check-in hers flight.
Yeap, it's in the Kuching airport.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Treasures are not always Happiness
I wonder should I be happy or sad about it.
I am now like a pirate who found the treasure map but unable to read the map.
Or, "should I even read the map?"
Yeah, I am still me, non-stop digging for your news..
Since I am unable to ask "How's your day?" anymore.
This is one of my attitude that you hate the most in the past.
You might think that I am still a busy body.
But in fact, I just want to know more bout you, even we are already apart.
Does this prove that my words are true when we argued bout this in the past?
Nah, it's not important anymore.
True or not, it doesnt matter anymore.
Like I said, I still care.
I know the words are not for me.
It's a lie if I say I dont feel hurt while trying to read the "map".
I've never seen you like this before.
Maybe you are truly in love.
It hurts.
But I will keep on digging.
It's not that I want to.
It's because I cant stop.
Pirates never stop treasuring.
Even in the end he got nothing.
Doesnt matter the sadness or happiness.
The Pirate And I just cant stop digging.
Monday, March 23, 2009
I was like a pig, turning here and there in my bed, finding the comfortable position to force myself into sleep.
The only different was, I am not in my dream like the pigs always do.
I guess the Sand Man isn't coming to find me tonight to pour his magical sleepy sand into my eyes.
I just lied there and pretend that I was sleeping...
When suddenly, I started to hum songs.
I always find mysellf a trouble every time I couldnt fall asleep.
And yes, this time, I still. LOL!
No No, I am not humming that particular song purposely.
It was just, erm..I dont know why, it just started like that.
And by the time when I am so into humming that song, my mind began to work.
I was thinking,
Why this song?
Because you know, it's a very old song.
Plus, when I was still a kid, probably around kindergarden or primary 1, I am scared of this song because the singer of this song passed away at the time, and my two freaking sisters love to use this song to scare me whenever my parents are not around.
But then, I just realised..
It was also the first song, I heard from her..
Yue Lian Dai Biao Wo De Xin ('the moon represents my heart' by Theresa Teng)
Well, not to me of course.
It was when I attended his brother's wedding dinner with my father,
She sang this song for her brother and sister-in-law.
I forgot when it was, but I remember, that time, we have not talk a single word to each other yet.
And we only started to chat to each other after a few years later. =)
Honestly telling you all, I was already attracted by her at the time.
And I thought it was just a so called kid's love, so I never try to let it bother me at the time.
But somehow, I've never forgotten about her yet.
Not till now.
She has a nicest voice I've ever heard.
She loves to sing,
And she plays piano so well.
Too bad, I wouldnt have a future with her singing and playing piano under one roof.
Yea, by the time all these thing glanced through my mind, I started to emo again.
I woke up, and on my laptop.
I opened a folder which I've never open for such a long time.
I always know I've sealed up the songs that would remind me of her.
It's always there, just, I never go and open it.
And I thought after a few months or years passed by,
Someday later, I can enjoy the beautiness of these songs again.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Like usual, I am all alone..for today too.
So, what do you think can make me burst into a laughter?
However, few minutes ago, something happened while I was chating with my cousin, preferably known as WIS in MSN.
This is so funny and I couldnt help laugh for few minutes just now.
I'm gonna share with you all here.
For your all information, 钰钰 is my cousin, Zankle and wiS wonG is also my cousin.
They are both sisters.
Now scroll down
It shows both of their private mesasges in MSN which read..
wis: J*bai Lek, cant u stop sucking n bitting the chicks feet????????!!!!
zankle: jib*i sis......... its nice bitting the chicken feet ok!!im hungry
Arent they funny? LOL!
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Beauty of The Nature
I walked out from the college to the car park. (INTI College in Kuching provide lous'iest' car park outside the college compound which I might blog about it some day. :-P)
I was kinda tired and yet I've got to hurry up my steps since it's gettin dark.
However, every little bit of my tiredness was gone after I saw these while I was still on my way ...
BEAUTIFUL isnt it ?
These are the pictures of the sunset which I stopped by and snapped on.
How should I describe this ? Hmmm...
"Looks kinda sad, but it's beautiful"
ALRIGHT, I found another job definitely doesnt suit me.
What a way to describe. LOL!
But, beautiful is not a bluff..
It's not an ordinary sunset.
It's a sunset created by God, to blow away all my tiredness.
Thank you for letting me to see how beautiful this world is.